Department of Histology and Embryology
Faculty of Medicine, Charles University
alej Svobody 1655/76, building U1
323 00 Plzeň

Secretary: Šárka Merhautová
tel.: +420 377 593 320

Get to know the members of our team, whose work contributes not only to science, but also to teaching and the development of pedagogical skills.


Our team

Head of the Instituteprof. MUDr. Mgr. Zbyněk Tonar, Ph.D.IDcontact
Professorprof. MUDr. Milena Králíčková, Ph.D.IDcontact
Associate Professordoc. Ing. Jan Nevoral, Ph.D.IDcontact
Associate Professordoc. Mgr. Yaroslav Kolinko, Ph.D.IDcontact
Assistant ProfessorMgr. Tereza Blassová, Ph.D.IDcontact
Assistant ProfessorIng. Jiřina HavránkováIDcontact
Assistant ProfessorMUDr. Věra Křížková, Ph.D.IDcontact
Assistant ProfessorMUDr. Anna Malečková, Ph.D.IDcontact
Assistant ProfessorRNDr. Alena Němečková, CSc.IDcontact
Assistant ProfessorMgr. Pavel Ostašov, Ph.D.IDcontact
Assistant ProfessorMgr. Pavel Pitule, Ph.D.IDcontact
Assistant ProfessorIng. et Ing. Jiří Polívka,
Assistant ProfessorMUDr. Lenka VaňkováIDcontact
Assistant ProfessorIng. Lucie Vištejnová, Ph.D.IDcontact
ResearcherDr. Olena YakushkoIDcontact
ResearcherMVDr. Martina Grajciarová, Ph.D.IDcontact
Lab technicianJana Dosoudilovácontact
Lab technicianŠtěpánka Jansovácontact
Lab technicianBc. Jan Javůrekcontact